Tis' the season of Where Did I Put That? Fa la la la la la la la la
You’re probably thinking that I’ve gone off the deep end with this blog post. But you’ll see exactly what I mean in the next few days as you try and wrap all those Black Friday deals. And if you’re one of those super organized women with all your wrapping materials neatly stored in a plastic container, you have no idea the fun you’re depriving yourself of. Plus, the rest of the world hates you. Just sayin' “Frank! I can’t find the scissors!” “I think Suzy has them in her room. All her Barbies have mohawks.” “Frank!” Where the hell is the tape!” “I used it to fix that leak under the faucet. I think it ended up in Suzy’s room she couldn’t find clothes for Barbie so she wrapped up her privates with it.” “FRANK!” where is the gift wrap and the damn bows?” “Oh is that what that was? I don’t remember. Ask Suzy.” “FRANK, I found the tape, the scissors and the gift wrap but now I can’t find a pen to sign...