Well, I'm knee deep into Laying Down Her Law, and it dawned on me. Who the hell are these people? I mean, I know a little, after all they are my creation. However, much like the fact that you birth your children, you don't truly know their personalities until they get a little older. That's what's happening, I'm 1/3 of the way through, and it dawns on me that I don't know who they are and where they want to go on a personal level. So yesterday, I interviewed them. I asked them everything I could think of and I was left with a good character profile on each. I want to know their every motivation, fear, joy and future goals. Now that I have a better idea who Pepper and Missy are; how do I apply this? I'm going to back to page one and see how I can build a character arc. It's okay if in the beginning Missy rolls her eyes and taps her feet at Pepper's shenanigans but if she's still doing t...